Posts Taggedpsychology

Writing Hypnosis Scripts~Symbols of Physical Conditions

Let’s break this process down into four steps.

1.Describe a physical condition in psychological terms and define the dominant characteristics of the problem (i.e., eczema is an overreaction of the autoimmune system causing itchy, red, dry patches on the skin.).

2. List words that describe the feeling of the negative symptoms (i.e., overreaction, Inflammation, overprotective).

3. Determine appropriate antonyms. (moist, calm, safe)

4. Create your script using guided imagery woven in with direst suggestions.

TIP: When you write your script, focus on the language patter (rhythm, sound, and flow.) Disregard traditional grammatical structure. Think more like a free-form poet. Write structurally like a free-form poem.

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