Hundreds of thousands of Near Death Experiences (NDE’S) have been catalogued and archived. Most NDE’s are similar to other NDE accounts in certain ways. After pouring over thousands of them I would like to share with you the main teachings that we can glean from the other side. (Side note; all of the NDE’s I have read are in English. I don’t know what the accounts are like in strongly different cultures, lanquages or faiths.)
Firstly and most importantly, there IS life after death. You and your spiritual adventures continues once the body is laid down. You cannot die. The body is neutral, simply something that is needed to participate in the conditions of this planet, like a spacesuit for the soul. In all practical terms, it feels limiting and restricting in contrast to the magnitude of our soul as if we are being squeezed into it.
We cannot die before we complete our life contract and lessons. We cannot choose to stay on the other side unless our life purpose is completed. Some people are given the option to stay or return back to Earth. This is usually for the benefit or betterment of a family member if your souls own life contract and lessons have been completed. Most people do not want to return back to Earth as it is so gloriously pleasant and liberating on the other side.
We remain conscious, thinking, evolving after we leave the body. We have our senses on the other side. Just not a body. You can see, hear, & smell. You will recognize yourself completely. Conversations are held telepathically and you may be taken on a profound journeys to answers questions your soul may have. Time and space are of no constraint.
God is (very) real. And vastly beyond our comprehension even when we meet directly with it on the other side. It has a quality of living, loving, light, and energy that imbues and sustains all creation. It is profoundly safe, peaceful, benevolent… and loving.
God is beyond understanding, even to us on the other side. To be bathed and soak in this living light is the best feeling in the universe.
You will not be alone on the other side. You will reunite with spirit guides, angels, family members (even ones you never met in this lifetime), & pets. It will feel more like your home than your home now, and you will recognize it completely. It will be more beautiful than we can imagine. Also, Heaven is real.
Life truly is a school. We are here to love and help one another (and forgive when needed.) We need eachother. Life is not a competition. Our conscience should guide us and we should work to preserve it. Guilt is a form of internal course correction, not a life sentence. The best we can do to atone for our mistakes and errors is learn from them. We hurt others and are hurt by others but that is ok. The remedy is to learn, grow and forgive.
You choose your life purpose and point of entry. You chose your life, your parents, your lessons. Difficult lessons are the way we grow. Some lives are harder than others. But you will learn more from them.
There are other planets. With other themes and lessons. You have probably lived on other planets. Earth is the Sacred Heart planet, a planet to learn to extend love and create in its image.
We can destroy the planet or harmonize the planet. It is up to us. The Earth has a soul and feels the pain of being hurt. She is loving and sustains us.
We are being looked over. We really do have a guardian angel or two assigned to us while you travel down here. And yes, we do forget where we come from upon entry.
We can here the thoughts and feel the feelings of those around us as we leave the body. Prayers are heard and felt by us as our soul ascends. And there really is a tunnel of light.
There are no mistakes. All of this somehow, someway works collectively for the good and our collective spiritual progression, even the most brutal of situations that man can enact on man. They often awaken us to our own heart and help the collective consciousness to evolve.
Evil is selfishness without conscience; not caring for the impact of selfishness on others. Evil burns itself out, extinguishes itself, eventually as it does not renew with loving light.
Science, Art, Philosophy, and Religion (spirituality) should unify and work together and advances and evolution would be more swift. We are all held together, made by, and loved by the same God.
Life beyond this world is profoundly immense, profoundly glorious and forever beyond full comprehension. It seems to have layers and levels of progression. Yet people have been shown the meaning of life and recieved all knowledge/understanding, and omniscience. This information is rarely allowed to return back to the human life with them and is wiped clean.
People can have extra sensory perception and profound spiritual experiences without leaving the body or having an NDE. You CAN connect directly with God from here. Or set the conditions for God to connect/communicate directly with you.
Jesus seems to be the assigned to this planet. A planetary prince & guardian; the one in charge of this planet and assigned to your souls well being. He shows up in MANY NDE accounts even to those who are atheists or those with very little exposure to Christianity. But not all accounts mention Jesus.
Life wants to be LIVED. We are part of life. You are important. You are not alone. You have a purpose. You chose this life. God is in you. You are in God. Keep your heart open. You are safe in the truest sense. You cannot die. Trust your instincts. Follow your inner voice. Do no harm. Don’t become cruel or shut out love. You will regret it deeply. These lessons are for you. You are completely forgiven. ❤
Wow amazing I needed to hear this May the Lord continue to bless you so you can bless others thank you.